Leo Belardinelli 520-834-1989
Introduction to Android Devices
This can be Android phones, Fire Tablets, and Samsung tablets
Common Issues facing users! • Different phone and different years • Home screens vs App screens
• Basic screen and gesture skills
• Files – where are they?
• Wi-Fi and mobile Data
• Calling plans
• Apps – adding
• Making a phone call
• Texting
• Browsing
• Internet access
• Camera and photos
There are many brands and year variations of Android Phones/Tablets
So sometimes the Icons/buttons to push are different, but most of the time they are at least similar
Home screens vs apps Screens
• On your Android device, the Home screen is the primary interface you see when you first unlock your phone, while the App screen (or App drawer) is where all your installed apps
are organized and listed. Think of the home screen as your personalized starting point, and the app screen as a central hub for all your applications.
Home screens vs apps Screens • Home SCREEN • Apps SCREEN
Basic Gestures
• Gestures are actions you’ll use to interact with your device’s touchscreen. For instance, instead of clicking something with your mouse, you’ll tap the screen with your finger or make a finger motion movement. We’ll refer to this as “gestures” throughout this discussion.
Basic Screen Skills
• Gestures
– Screen up, down, next screen, answer calls • Icon Movement
– Move Icons to a new page or a new arrangement
–Delete apps
– Move Icons to the Home Page/Pages
Basic Gestures
• Tap to “click”, select, or open something on your device, like a button or an app
• Tap and hold to occasionally access other options (think of this as “right-clicking”)
• Drag to scroll up and down, left and right, or any other direction on the screen
• Swipe left or right to “flip through” things, like pages on the Home screen, photos, or pages in an e-book • Double-tap to zoom in or out in certain apps, like Maps or Chrome
• Pinch (i.e., open or close your thumb and forefinger) to zoom in or out almost anywhere
You can move Icons
• Press an ICON and hold for a SHORT time.
• A dialog box will come up and you can
• Uninstall the app or select it • If you HOLD your figure on the ICON, you can move it to a new place on on a new page
• If you NEED to see your files, you must download a File App. • I use Cx File Explorer because it can see a SD card or Home network NAS (if you have one)
WiFi and Mobile data
Adding Wi-Fi to your device
Click settings Click Connections Click Wi-Fi move button to right
Adding Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi calling
Choose the Wi-Fi Enter password (if needed) Click connect Can you Wi-Fi call??
Wi-fi vs Mobile carrier calling
• Wi-Fi uses radio waves to provide high speed internet access to mobile devices and allows wireless communication between the connected devices.
• Cellular uses cell phone towers to enable mobile device communication and provide internet access but requires a data plan attached to the device.
Data plan on Cell phone use
• Data plan and limit – Cellular networks use a proprietary frequency and a dedicated cellular operator. A data plan is attached to a mobile device, and these plans usually have a monthly (or other) data consumption limit.
• Wi-Fi networks use doesn’t require a data plan, and mobile devices rely solely on Wi-Fi to connect to the internet. There’s no limit on how much data can be used per month (or during a shorter or longer period).
• GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access.
• GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access).
• GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA does have not this feature.
GSM and CDMA Carriers
– T-Mobile
– AT&T
– Consumer Cellular
– Mint
– Track Phone – bought by Verizon – future questionable – Straight talk – bought by Verizon – future questionable • CDMA
– Verizon
– Visible – owned by Verizon – pushing purchased groups to – Sprint
• Comcast – ????
Apps and downloading them
Going to the Google Play Store to find an app
Click Play Store App screen comes up Click on SEARCH Type what you want
Search for and open an App
Elect Search Search returns apps Click on Install After install/click open
The App is added to the last Home screen or to the Apps Screen
The new app is added to your screen
Making a phone call from the keypad Click phone App screen comes up type in a number Click the call button
Making a phone call from contacts Click CONTACTS Select the contact to call click the call button a call is made
Receiving a call, or not answering
Swipe the phone button up to answer the call
Swipe the RED phone button up to NOT answer the call
Text messaging
Click text Choose a number to send Type in s phone # Type in your text
How to send and respond to a text message
Click to send Choose the text to respond Type in your text hit send
Send a picture in a text message Click the picture button Pictures come up Choose the picture to send hit send
Send Text to multiple people
Click the Text button Type in a name Type in a second name Type a message & send
Browsing the Internet
Click the Internet button Internet screen Type in a search name &hit go Up comes the page
or Choose the Camera icon on
Home Screen Choose the Camera icon
the App screen
Quick open the camera app
Hit the
Camera in live view mode
The camera is
in “LIVE” View
mode. Beneath
the picture is a
list of options
you can do!
To take a picture
• When you are
ready to take a
picture, click the
white button as
shown and the
picture will be
saved to your
Taking a Selfie
The selfie button
converts the cameras
focus from the back of
the camera’s to the
viewers side
• Your face will now show up in the Photo Screen. Move to phone so you get a good picture and tap the photo
capture button to get the final
The Gallery App
• From the
find and
Gallery App will show Thumbnails
Choose one of the photos
• Once the
photo is on
the screen,
you can
SWIPE right or
left to see
other photos.
You can also
delete or crop
the photo
• Those circles with numbers on your Android phone’s status bar likely
represent notifications from various apps, indicating new messages, updates, or other alerts.
• In essence, the circles with numbers are visual cues on your Android phone’s screen that signal new notifications or updates from various apps.
• The little circles with numbers indicate there is new activity on that APP.
The presence of Badges is controlled within the allowed notification
privileges of that particular APP
Use Windows Phone link to connect a phone to your Windows PC
• I will be having future QR Code classes • I handle QR Code and voice devices help desk calls
• Leo Belardinelli
• 520-834-1989