Leo Belardinelli 520-834-1989

Introduction to QR Codes 

Their Present and Future Use. How you can access them With your present tools (phones, Laptops, computers) 

What are some of the things to discuss 

• What is a QR Code  

• How its difference from Bar Codes • Where do you see them presently • How are they accessed 

• Need an App to access? 

• Access by iPhone, iPad, Android  phone and Computer 

• What can you learn from them

What is a QR Code? 

• “Quick response”, or QR code, is a type of  barcode that can store a multitude of  


• Similar to a Barcode, but different in appearance • A QR Code is usually in the shape of a square • Contains smaller, even blocks similar to Tetris. • A Barcode, on the other hand, has vertical bars  in different thicknesses.

What it looks like up CLOSE

Tech Club Site QR Codes Static QR Code 

SCOV Tech Club Application Form SCOV Tech Club Class schedule SCOV Tech Club Web Site

Other Examples – Personal Health


A job application and a wine advertisement


From a TV show 

For a product registration


On a business Card and directly on a product


• You can see many  

more squares on  

this example.  

• QR codes can be  

different sizes to  

incorporate more  


How to read a QR Code 

• Can be read using an app from different devices: – iPhone – camera or go to the APP Store 

– iPad – camera or go to the APP Store  

– Android Phone – camera or go to Play store – Android Tablet – camera or go to play store – Laptop – camera or CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator 

– Desktop – CodeTwo QR Code Desktop 

Reader & Generator

Scanned from an iPad

Scanned from a Android Phone

Scanned from a desk top computer 

Scanned from a desktop 

computer using the 


Code Two QR Code 

Desktop Reader & 


Not all QR Codes can be read 

• Some QR Codes are  

called “data” codes 

• They look similar to  

a normal QR Code 

• But they can’t be  

read with a QR  

reader – It takes a  

special reader

How are QR Codes Used?

Better than a standard barcode They store info on: 

• Text 

• Hyperlinks (links that send you to a website) • Telephone number 

• SMS message (Text) 

• Email 

• Contact entry 

• Calendar entry

Uses: Contact 

• On business cards – A QR code on your business card can  direct customers or potential investors to your website • Resumes – Direct a potential employer to additional info • On a name tag – At conferences, adding a QR code to a  name tag allows others to quickly look you up • A QR code can lead to a Google Map that leads directly  the location of your shop. 

• On a brochure – Directs uses to a quick presentation that  briefly overviews a complicated process

Uses: Specific Business Uses 

• Restaurants –restaurants are using QR codes to great success  as virtual menus and payment methods 

• Museums – Instead of writing out descriptions on plaques,  museums could put QR codes in front of exhibits • Real estate agents – Real estate agents can add a QR code to  a house’s “For Sale” sign to direct user to realtors. • Coffee shops –You can have customers scan a QR code with a  QR scanner to allow them to join the shop Wi-Fi network  without needing to enter the password. 

• On a brochure – Directs uses to a quick presentation that  briefly overviews a complicated process

Uses: Marketing 

• Direct mail – You can use a QR code on a flyer or  printed postcard 

• Infographics – A QR code can encourage readers to  take further action, such as making a purchase or  subscribing to a blog 

• A contest entry – By scanning a QR code, you can  direct customers to enter a contest 

• A QR code can lead to a Google Map that leads  directly the location of your business. 

• For eCommerce – One of the most popular ways  marketers use QR codes is as discounts and promos.

QR Code Technical discussion

What can a QR Code do? 

• Because of its versatility, a QR Code can be  programmed to do a multitude of things • There are two formats: Dynamic and Static 

• A Dynamic QR Code is useful for businesses or  nonprofits: Needs a subscription to work • A Static QR Code is a type of QR Code that can  no longer be edited once it’s generated. Like the  one the tech club has in the Tipster

Static QR code has fixed information  embedded in it

• Get your audience to send you a text message • Create a digital business card  

• Display a message of up to 300 characters • Link to any page on the web such as your  website 

• Share your WiFi network without revealing the  password 

• Request Payments and direct the user to the  correct location 

Dynamic QR Code 

• Needs a subscription to work 

• Dynamic QR Code solutions are editable • If you made a mistake and only noticed it after  the QR Codes are printed or 

• You just want to change your QR code • you can easily log in to the Subscription and fix  them without changing the appearance of the  already printed Codes 

• Has cost associated with the QR subscription

Dynamic QR Code has no information  embedded in but has a redirection  URL to the subscription site 

• Display your detailed business information • Send a user to your advertisement page 

• Show a Restrauant menu 

• Share a downloadable PDF file 

• Link to all your social media profiles in one QR Code • Share one or more YouTube videos 

• Promote your event with a save to calendar feature • Add audio to any print

If a subscription is used: 

• QR Code can be changed at any time and as  many times as you want 

• Color or pictures can be added to the QR code • Dynamic Code can be equipped with a tracking  ability: you can gather info on how many, what  operating system, what day it is scanned • Data is acquired in real-time and can be analyzed • The user might not know their info is being  tracked

How does it work? 

• how does a small square with squiggles contain  so much information 

• Those squiggles and patterns you see on a QR  code, actually represent binary codes 

• When you scan QR codes with a QR code reader,  the scanner interprets the information in the  binary code. 

• Nowadays, the common camera app on a phone,  tablet, laptop, or computer app is capable of  scanning the information

What is in the QR code? 

Each QR Code has These parts 

This is the “Finder”  code 

IE orientation 

This is the  

formatting info

What is in the QR code? 

This is the “timing  


This is the “Message  

reading pattern” – each  

square is one bit

What is in the QR code? 

Each square 

is one byte Each cell  has been 

assigned a 


You add up the  

selected (black)  

squares to determine  

a number

What is in the QR code? 

• This is an ASCII LOOKUP table – each number  corresponds to a character

What is in the QR code? 

• Here, the black squares add up to 88 which means  that block represents a “X” (note: not “x”)

How to create a QR code: 

You can build your QR code in just a few  steps: 

1. Plan your content 

2. Choose a QR code generator 3. Create your QR code 

4 Test the QR code 4.  

5. Share and distribute

Plan your content 

It’s a digital doorway! 

• Plan where your doorway will lead 

– A purchase link 

– An instant contact link to your company via text message or  email 

– Text about your business such as a menu or a list of services – Your website or a specific page on your website 

– Your business’s social media pages 

– MP3 files of podcasts, recorded message files, or other audio  Video and image files  

• Keep in mind, whatever you decide to link your QR code to,  it doesn’t have to be set in stone. If you choose a dynamic  QR code, you can swap out the destination content

Choose a QR Code Generator 

• There are myriad of QR code generators to  choose from, and each one may have its own  unique set of attributes. 

• Depends on if you want a STATIC or Dynamic  QR Code. 

Static Code generators are generally free Dynamic Generators have a subscription fee

There are many other QR Code  generators available 

• Google has a static internal QR Code generator • Edge has a static internal QR Code generator • Code Two QR Code Desktop Reader &  generator are good for Desktop PCs 

• iPhones, iPads, Android Phones and tablets all  have QR Code apps in their Stores 

• Just go to YouTube and check out Code  generators

Google Chrome Has an internal QR  generator 

• Open the  

Chrome page you  

want to create a  

QR Code of. 

• Click on the  

“Share this page”  icon 

• Click on QR code 


Edge has an internal QR generator 

• Open the Chrome page you want to create a  QR Code of. 

• Click on QR code Icon Click on the URL line

Create Your Code 

• Dynamic QR codes allow you to change the QR code  destination at any time. Static QR codes will always link  to a particular set of information. 

• Upload or link the QR code content – Every QR code  generator needs to be told where it needs to send your  customers to. 

• Simply upload your files or input your intended link. • Customize your QR code – Customization options  include choosing colors for your QR code, selecting  creative frames, adding your business’s logo, or even  adding a custom design to your QR code to make it  stand out

Test your QR code 

• Make sure that your QR code works BEFORE  you publish it somewhere

Share your QR Code 

• it’s time to distribute your QR code. You can  share your code in many ways, including: – Brochures 

– Product packaging 

– Posters 

– Flyers 

– Business cards 

– Stationary Signage 

Share your QR Code 

• QR codes are now ubiquitous enough that  small local businesses can easily take  advantage of them. 

• Whether you want to make it easier for  customers to shop your wares, browse your  menu, or hop on your Wi-Fi, you can place  these QR codes on stickers or plaques around  your store to make them visible. 

See how a QR Code generator works 

• Go to: 

• www.the-qrcode-generator.com

The END 

• I will be having future QR Code classes • I handle QR Code and voice devices help desk  calls 

• Leo Belardinelli 

• 520-834-1989